We are still actively collecting, and accepting empties for the scholarship fund. Please contact Manes and Tails North at 868-5324 or South at 538-9376 for local pick up and/or drop off at either location.
Participation in round penning, agility course and riding.
Need long pants, boots with heel and helmet (some are available for use). Always bring coat or sweatshirt just in case!
Cost $40
Upcoming Events
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Manes and Tails North at
Perfect Ponies Learning Center
489 Main St, Van Buren, ME 04785
207-868-5324 pplc489@yahoo.com
Manes and Tails South at
Aroostook Horse and Pony Associates
676 Rt 1, PO Box 259 Monticello, ME, 04760
207-538-9376 sndtay61@gmail.com